The Mount

سورة الـطور

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
﴿١﴾ وَالطُّورِ
1By the Mount.
﴿٢﴾ وَكِتَابٍ مَسْطُورٍ
2And a Book inscribed.
﴿٣﴾ فِي رَقٍّ مَنْشُورٍ
3In a published scroll.
﴿٤﴾ وَالْبَيْتِ الْمَعْمُورِ
4And the frequented House.
﴿٥﴾ وَالسَّقْفِ الْمَرْفُوعِ
5And the elevated roof.
﴿٦﴾ وَالْبَحْرِ الْمَسْجُورِ
6And the seething sea.
﴿٧﴾ إِنَّ عَذَابَ رَبِّكَ لَوَاقِعٌ
7Your Lord’s punishment will occur.
﴿٨﴾ مَا لَهُ مِنْ دَافِعٍ
8There is none to prevent it.
﴿٩﴾ يَوْمَ تَمُورُ السَّمَاءُ مَوْرًا
9On the Day when the sky sways in agitation.
﴿١٠﴾ وَتَسِيرُ الْجِبَالُ سَيْرًا
10And the mountains go into motion.
﴿١١﴾ فَوَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلْمُكَذِّبِينَ
11Woe on that Day to the deniers.
﴿١٢﴾ الَّذِينَ هُمْ فِي خَوْضٍ يَلْعَبُونَ
12Those who play with speculation.
﴿١٣﴾ يَوْمَ يُدَعُّونَ إِلَىٰ نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ دَعًّا
13The Day when they are shoved forcefully into the Fire of Gehenna.
﴿١٤﴾ هَٰذِهِ النَّارُ الَّتِي كُنْتُمْ بِهَا تُكَذِّبُونَ
14“This is the Fire that you used to deny.
﴿١٥﴾ أَفَسِحْرٌ هَٰذَا أَمْ أَنْتُمْ لَا تُبْصِرُونَ
15Is this magic, or do you not see?
﴿١٦﴾ اصْلَوْهَا فَاصْبِرُوا أَوْ لَا تَصْبِرُوا سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْكُمْ ۖ إِنَّمَا تُجْزَوْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
16Burn in it. Be patient, or impatient, it is the same for you. You are only being penalized for what you used to do.”
﴿١٧﴾ إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي جَنَّاتٍ وَنَعِيمٍ
17The righteous will be amid Gardens and bliss.
﴿١٨﴾ فَاكِهِينَ بِمَا آتَاهُمْ رَبُّهُمْ وَوَقَاهُمْ رَبُّهُمْ عَذَابَ الْجَحِيمِ
18Enjoying what their Lord has given them, and their Lord has spared them the suffering of Hell.
﴿١٩﴾ كُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا هَنِيئًا بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
19Eat and drink joyfully, because of what you used to do.
﴿٢٠﴾ مُتَّكِئِينَ عَلَىٰ سُرُرٍ مَصْفُوفَةٍ ۖ وَزَوَّجْنَاهُمْ بِحُورٍ عِينٍ
20Relaxing on arrayed furniture, We will couple them with gorgeous spouses.
﴿٢١﴾ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَاتَّبَعَتْهُمْ ذُرِّيَّتُهُمْ بِإِيمَانٍ أَلْحَقْنَا بِهِمْ ذُرِّيَّتَهُمْ وَمَا أَلَتْنَاهُمْ مِنْ عَمَلِهِمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ ۚ كُلُّ امْرِئٍ بِمَا كَسَبَ رَهِينٌ
21Those who believed and whose descendants followed them in faith: We will unite them with their descendants, and We will not deprive them of any of their works. Every person is a hostage to what he has earned.
﴿٢٢﴾ وَأَمْدَدْنَاهُمْ بِفَاكِهَةٍ وَلَحْمٍ مِمَّا يَشْتَهُونَ
22And We will supply them with fruit, and meat, as they desire.
﴿٢٣﴾ يَتَنَازَعُونَ فِيهَا كَأْسًا لَا لَغْوٌ فِيهَا وَلَا تَأْثِيمٌ
23They will pass around a cup which leads to no-nonsense, nor sinfulness.
﴿٢٤﴾ وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ غِلْمَانٌ لَهُمْ كَأَنَّهُمْ لُؤْلُؤٌ مَكْنُونٌ
24Circulating among them to serve them will be youths, like hidden pearls.
﴿٢٥﴾ وَأَقْبَلَ بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ
25They will approach one another, inquiring.
﴿٢٦﴾ قَالُوا إِنَّا كُنَّا قَبْلُ فِي أَهْلِنَا مُشْفِقِينَ
26They will say, “Before this, we were fearful for our families.
﴿٢٧﴾ فَمَنَّ اللَّهُ عَلَيْنَا وَوَقَانَا عَذَابَ السَّمُومِ
27But Allah has blessed us, and He spared us the suffering of the Fiery Winds.
﴿٢٨﴾ إِنَّا كُنَّا مِنْ قَبْلُ نَدْعُوهُ ۖ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْبَرُّ الرَّحِيمُ
28Before this, we used to pray to Him. He is the Good, the Merciful.”
﴿٢٩﴾ فَذَكِّرْ فَمَا أَنْتَ بِنِعْمَتِ رَبِّكَ بِكَاهِنٍ وَلَا مَجْنُونٍ
29So remind. By the grace of your Lord, you are neither an oracle nor a madman.
﴿٣٠﴾ أَمْ يَقُولُونَ شَاعِرٌ نَتَرَبَّصُ بِهِ رَيْبَ الْمَنُونِ
30Or do they say, “A poet—we anticipate for him a calamity of time.”
﴿٣١﴾ قُلْ تَرَبَّصُوا فَإِنِّي مَعَكُمْ مِنَ الْمُتَرَبِّصِينَ
31Say, “Go on waiting; I am waiting with you.”
﴿٣٢﴾ أَمْ تَأْمُرُهُمْ أَحْلَامُهُمْ بِهَٰذَا ۚ أَمْ هُمْ قَوْمٌ طَاغُونَ
32Or is it their dreams compelling them to this? Or are they transgressing people?
﴿٣٣﴾ أَمْ يَقُولُونَ تَقَوَّلَهُ ۚ بَلْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
33Or do they say, “He made it up”? In fact, they have no faith.
﴿٣٤﴾ فَلْيَأْتُوا بِحَدِيثٍ مِثْلِهِ إِنْ كَانُوا صَادِقِينَ
34So let them produce a discourse like it—if they are truthful.
﴿٣٥﴾ أَمْ خُلِقُوا مِنْ غَيْرِ شَيْءٍ أَمْ هُمُ الْخَالِقُونَ
35Or were they created from nothing? Or are they the creators?
﴿٣٦﴾ أَمْ خَلَقُوا السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ ۚ بَلْ لَا يُوقِنُونَ
36Or did they create the heavens and the earth? In fact, they are not certain.
﴿٣٧﴾ أَمْ عِنْدَهُمْ خَزَائِنُ رَبِّكَ أَمْ هُمُ الْمُصَيْطِرُونَ
37Or do they possess the treasuries of your Lord? Or are they the controllers?
﴿٣٨﴾ أَمْ لَهُمْ سُلَّمٌ يَسْتَمِعُونَ فِيهِ ۖ فَلْيَأْتِ مُسْتَمِعُهُمْ بِسُلْطَانٍ مُبِينٍ
38Or do they have a stairway by means of which they listen? Then let their listener produce a clear proof.
﴿٣٩﴾ أَمْ لَهُ الْبَنَاتُ وَلَكُمُ الْبَنُونَ
39Or for Him the daughters, and for you the sons?
﴿٤٠﴾ أَمْ تَسْأَلُهُمْ أَجْرًا فَهُمْ مِنْ مَغْرَمٍ مُثْقَلُونَ
40Or do you demand payment from them, and they are burdened by debt?
﴿٤١﴾ أَمْ عِنْدَهُمُ الْغَيْبُ فَهُمْ يَكْتُبُونَ
41Or do they know the future, and they write it down?
﴿٤٢﴾ أَمْ يُرِيدُونَ كَيْدًا ۖ فَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا هُمُ الْمَكِيدُونَ
42Or are they plotting a conspiracy? The conspiracy will fall back on the unbelievers.
﴿٤٣﴾ أَمْ لَهُمْ إِلَٰهٌ غَيْرُ اللَّهِ ۚ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ
43Or do they have a god other than Allah? Glory be to Allah, above the partners they ascribe.
﴿٤٤﴾ وَإِنْ يَرَوْا كِسْفًا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ سَاقِطًا يَقُولُوا سَحَابٌ مَرْكُومٌ
44And were they to see a piece of the sky falling, they would say, “A heap of clouds.”
﴿٤٥﴾ فَذَرْهُمْ حَتَّىٰ يُلَاقُوا يَوْمَهُمُ الَّذِي فِيهِ يُصْعَقُونَ
45So leave them until they meet their Day when they will be stunned.
﴿٤٦﴾ يَوْمَ لَا يُغْنِي عَنْهُمْ كَيْدُهُمْ شَيْئًا وَلَا هُمْ يُنْصَرُونَ
46The Day when their ploys will avail them nothing, and they will not be helped.
﴿٤٧﴾ وَإِنَّ لِلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا عَذَابًا دُونَ ذَٰلِكَ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ
47For those who do wrong, there is a punishment besides that, but most of them do not know.
﴿٤٨﴾ وَاصْبِرْ لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ فَإِنَّكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا ۖ وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ حِينَ تَقُومُ
48So patiently await your Lord’s decision—you are before Our Eyes. And proclaim your Lord’s praises when you arise.
﴿٤٩﴾ وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَسَبِّحْهُ وَإِدْبَارَ النُّجُومِ
49And glorify Him during the night, and at the receding of the stars.